Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 6, 2011

Okay, it's a new year, and if you are like a large group of people all over the Earth, you've made your New Year's Resolutions. And if you are like a majority of those same people, you will have all good intentions of keeping those resolutions. And if you are like me, you will be doing good to make it a month before you break any and all of those resolutions and just give up and decide to keep doing things the way you have been doing them. So, years ago, I decided that I must be making the wrong resolutions. I decided that I would make resolutions that I KNEW I would be able to keep.

  1. Try to buy beads. Now this is one that I know I will be able to keep. Without even trying.
  2. Attend as many bead shows as possible. Again, this should be easily do-able.
  3. Buy cabochons when possible. If you are as crazy about cabs as I am, then this should be a fun resolution to do.
  4. Bead every chance I get. This is a resolution that is right up my alley.
I think that you can see how this works. At the end of the day, I feel good for having kept my resolutions.

To help you keep your resolutions, if they are like mine, I need to pass on some info. So here goes.

This Saturday and Sunday, Intergalactic Bead & Jewelry Show is opening a new venue in Raleigh. We usually are able to go to this show in Durham and at this time they do not have a Durham show listed, so I don't know if they are planning on replacing or supplementing Durham with this show. Just a glance at the exhibitors list, I see some of the regulars at Intergalactic as well as a few new ones, including Leonardo Lampwork, whom I've seen their work and it is beautiful. Here is the info on this show:

Raleigh/Durham NC
Saturday, January 8, 2011 - Sunday, January 9, 2011
Holiday Inn Brownstone Hotel & Conference Center (Presidential)
1707 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, NC 27605

If you go to the above link, you will find a button to click on and get a $2 off coupon.

Also, just wanted to give you a heads up that for those of you who love cabs, Anne Kennedy will be making her yearly visit to sell cabs. Let me tell you, if you have never purchased any of Anne's cabs, they are absolutely beautiful and very reasonably priced. She carries cabs from all over the world, and it is very hard to locally find a better chance to get stunning cabs and great prices. When the date is set, I'll be sure to let you know.

So, may your new year be full of beads.

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